Release Date: July 4 2014!
Dark Desire:Dark Breed Enforcers Book 4:
A destiny he can no longer deny
Being heir to the throne of Atlantis is not all it’s cracked up to be. Ze’Kerhia is simply known as Zeke, the computer wizard and fighter for
the branch of Enforcers lead by Marcus Valerian. He must now return to a life he walked away from in order to save a friend. Forced into a marriage to a woman he never met. Worse, she is Lemurian, a long standing enemy of Atlantis for thousands of years.
A brutal betrayal
One look at Laris Raail and Zeke knows he’s in trouble. He is
captivated by her stunning dark beauty and grace, but more, he senses an intelligent and caring woman beneath which stirs his blood like no other could. With hopes high for the future he is unprepared to find a Lemurian dagger buried deep in his heart by the hand of his new bride, Laris.
A deadly plot revealed
Acting on a tip, Zeke finds Laris after seven long months of searching. Revenge his only motive. He is unprepared when he finds Laris with no memory of her past or even her name. It doesn't take much time before Zeke realizes they are being hunted. Caught in a plot so treacherous, the dark breeds
and humans alike may be unable to prevent the war it would spark. It’s up to the two of them to try and prevent more bloodshed and reveal the traitor in their
Can they survive long enough to prevent the slaughter of
innocent lives? Or will they too, perish before revealing who is behind a plot to enslave the world.
He barked out a harsh laugh, his words laced with venom as his
lip curled into a sneer. “There is no such thing as a peaceful Lemurian. You are
all killers. It’s in your nature to war and take what you want by force. Leaving
nothing but devastation and ruin in your wake.”
She really didn’t know what to say to that one. His hate chilled
her skin, the air so thick with his animosity she could barely pull in enough
air into her lungs. The room closed in on her making her head swim. She needed
to get away from this madman who just told her he had every intention of killing
“I’m just a damned stripper.” Her voice shook with fear and
desperation. “Please let me go. I won’t call the cops. Just let me go … please.”
The words didn’t come easy to her, nor did the fear she felt coursing through
her like icy sludge threatening to immobilize
“Save it.” He bit out, his face as hard and implacable as stone.
“You just don’t get it, do you? Nothing you say will make a damn bit of
difference. Your ass is mine, and I alone will decide how long you live and how
much pain you exist in. Face it. You’re screwed, so save your
His movements blurred as he once again closed the space between
them and gripped her arm, tugging her through the living room and down a
hallway, and past several closed doors along the way. He opened the last one on
the right, shoving her into bedroom. Nothing but a bed, white walls and old
battered dresser adorned the room. An old brass pot stood near a wall, but it
was the chains attached to thick metal manacles bolted to the wall that made her
heart stutter within her chest. Her throat dried up as terror on a level she
never knew existed took hold of her with unrelenting
A scream bubbled out of her throat as he shoved her back against
the chains. She fought with every ounce of strength she possessed, kicking and
clawing at his unprotected face and throat, but he proved too quick and jerked
away from her in time. Her nails only caught
He snatched one wrist, attaching the cuff, then the other,
effectively subduing her arms. Her foot slashed out, but again he maneuvered out
of harm’s way by simply stepping back. She struggled to break the manacles, the
chains only giving her a few precious inches of
“Let. Me. Go.” She snarled the demand feeling anger rise deep
inside, burning away the paralyzing fear from only moments
“I don’t think so. You can scream all you want. This room is
soundproof.” He shook his head and walked to the
“Wait, what am I supposed to do if I have to go to the bathroom?
You can’t just leave me like this.” She spat the words out, the taste of
bitterness sharp on her tongue.
His gaze moved to the pot near her feet. “I’m sure you will find
some creative way to relieve yourself. Not my
She shrieked, hurtling curse words at his retreating back and
continuing long after he closed the door after
Dark Desire:Dark Breed Enforcers Book 4:
A destiny he can no longer deny
Being heir to the throne of Atlantis is not all it’s cracked up to be. Ze’Kerhia is simply known as Zeke, the computer wizard and fighter for
the branch of Enforcers lead by Marcus Valerian. He must now return to a life he walked away from in order to save a friend. Forced into a marriage to a woman he never met. Worse, she is Lemurian, a long standing enemy of Atlantis for thousands of years.
A brutal betrayal
One look at Laris Raail and Zeke knows he’s in trouble. He is
captivated by her stunning dark beauty and grace, but more, he senses an intelligent and caring woman beneath which stirs his blood like no other could. With hopes high for the future he is unprepared to find a Lemurian dagger buried deep in his heart by the hand of his new bride, Laris.
A deadly plot revealed
Acting on a tip, Zeke finds Laris after seven long months of searching. Revenge his only motive. He is unprepared when he finds Laris with no memory of her past or even her name. It doesn't take much time before Zeke realizes they are being hunted. Caught in a plot so treacherous, the dark breeds
and humans alike may be unable to prevent the war it would spark. It’s up to the two of them to try and prevent more bloodshed and reveal the traitor in their
Can they survive long enough to prevent the slaughter of
innocent lives? Or will they too, perish before revealing who is behind a plot to enslave the world.
He barked out a harsh laugh, his words laced with venom as his
lip curled into a sneer. “There is no such thing as a peaceful Lemurian. You are
all killers. It’s in your nature to war and take what you want by force. Leaving
nothing but devastation and ruin in your wake.”
She really didn’t know what to say to that one. His hate chilled
her skin, the air so thick with his animosity she could barely pull in enough
air into her lungs. The room closed in on her making her head swim. She needed
to get away from this madman who just told her he had every intention of killing
“I’m just a damned stripper.” Her voice shook with fear and
desperation. “Please let me go. I won’t call the cops. Just let me go … please.”
The words didn’t come easy to her, nor did the fear she felt coursing through
her like icy sludge threatening to immobilize
“Save it.” He bit out, his face as hard and implacable as stone.
“You just don’t get it, do you? Nothing you say will make a damn bit of
difference. Your ass is mine, and I alone will decide how long you live and how
much pain you exist in. Face it. You’re screwed, so save your
His movements blurred as he once again closed the space between
them and gripped her arm, tugging her through the living room and down a
hallway, and past several closed doors along the way. He opened the last one on
the right, shoving her into bedroom. Nothing but a bed, white walls and old
battered dresser adorned the room. An old brass pot stood near a wall, but it
was the chains attached to thick metal manacles bolted to the wall that made her
heart stutter within her chest. Her throat dried up as terror on a level she
never knew existed took hold of her with unrelenting
A scream bubbled out of her throat as he shoved her back against
the chains. She fought with every ounce of strength she possessed, kicking and
clawing at his unprotected face and throat, but he proved too quick and jerked
away from her in time. Her nails only caught
He snatched one wrist, attaching the cuff, then the other,
effectively subduing her arms. Her foot slashed out, but again he maneuvered out
of harm’s way by simply stepping back. She struggled to break the manacles, the
chains only giving her a few precious inches of
“Let. Me. Go.” She snarled the demand feeling anger rise deep
inside, burning away the paralyzing fear from only moments
“I don’t think so. You can scream all you want. This room is
soundproof.” He shook his head and walked to the
“Wait, what am I supposed to do if I have to go to the bathroom?
You can’t just leave me like this.” She spat the words out, the taste of
bitterness sharp on her tongue.
His gaze moved to the pot near her feet. “I’m sure you will find
some creative way to relieve yourself. Not my
She shrieked, hurtling curse words at his retreating back and
continuing long after he closed the door after

Dark Hunter
Available Now!
Vampire Mari Ankamunan struggles to pick up the pieces of her life after her bar The Asp becomes a war zone between the Enforcers and members of the Preservation Society, who want all dark breeds wiped out. The sudden appearance of the only man she ever loved brings her world to a crashing halt,
for she witnessed his brutal murder two thousand years ago.
Navar’s spoken oaths to his Sire cost him Mari. Torn from her
side by the sidhe queen, he is her Hunter, delivering justice for crimes against the breeds. Now freed he returns to his lovers side only to be caught in a dark plot where Mari is targeted for death.
The stakes are high, can they uncover a deadly plot against the
Enforcers or will Navar lose Mari, forever by an assassin’s
“I will do everything in my power to protect her, even lay down
my life if it comes to that.” Navar’s words rang in the still air, spoken as an oath.
“Marcus will be relieved to find out Mari is well protected. I
know after the incident with the Preservation Society, he has been concerned for her safety. Someday you must tell me how you secured your release.”
Mari blinked at the two men, feeling left out of the loop in the
XY-chromosome chat. Males.Can’t live without them and can’t kill them. Irritation spiked into the red zone, her patience threadbare for the bullshit. Placing her diminutive self between the two towering males, she gave them both a fearless glare and fisted her hands on her hips.
All conversation stopped as they stared down at her with
surprise. Good, now she had their attention. “I’ve been alive since the time of Cleopatra. I didn’t survive all those centuries by being a fucking weak female. I can fight, strategize, and I damn well have enough intellect in this‘girly’ brain to figure out what I need to do to save my own hide, thank you very much. Now, if you don’t mind talking to me, not about me, it would be appreciated and might save your ball sacs from relocating somewhere north on your body. Are we clear, boys?”
Adrian threw his head back and roared a large rolling laugh that reverberated throughout the room. She blinked in surprise. She’d never once seen any enforcer laugh. Sure, they smiled, chuckled, and even smirked, but never laughed. She found it…disconcerting.
“Point taken. You will have your hands full with this little
hellion, hunter. I don’t envy you.”
“Little hellion indeed. Yet well worth the extra trouble,” Navar
agreed, his pale eyes darkening with hunger.
Available at:
Evernight Publishing: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/dark-hunter-by-shannan-albright/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Hunter-Breed-Enforcers-ebook/dp/B00DZ5X89W/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374446569&sr=1-1
All Romance Books: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-darkhunter-1244081-168.html
Book Strand : http://www.bookstrand.com/dark-hunter-mf
Available Now!
Vampire Mari Ankamunan struggles to pick up the pieces of her life after her bar The Asp becomes a war zone between the Enforcers and members of the Preservation Society, who want all dark breeds wiped out. The sudden appearance of the only man she ever loved brings her world to a crashing halt,
for she witnessed his brutal murder two thousand years ago.
Navar’s spoken oaths to his Sire cost him Mari. Torn from her
side by the sidhe queen, he is her Hunter, delivering justice for crimes against the breeds. Now freed he returns to his lovers side only to be caught in a dark plot where Mari is targeted for death.
The stakes are high, can they uncover a deadly plot against the
Enforcers or will Navar lose Mari, forever by an assassin’s
“I will do everything in my power to protect her, even lay down
my life if it comes to that.” Navar’s words rang in the still air, spoken as an oath.
“Marcus will be relieved to find out Mari is well protected. I
know after the incident with the Preservation Society, he has been concerned for her safety. Someday you must tell me how you secured your release.”
Mari blinked at the two men, feeling left out of the loop in the
XY-chromosome chat. Males.Can’t live without them and can’t kill them. Irritation spiked into the red zone, her patience threadbare for the bullshit. Placing her diminutive self between the two towering males, she gave them both a fearless glare and fisted her hands on her hips.
All conversation stopped as they stared down at her with
surprise. Good, now she had their attention. “I’ve been alive since the time of Cleopatra. I didn’t survive all those centuries by being a fucking weak female. I can fight, strategize, and I damn well have enough intellect in this‘girly’ brain to figure out what I need to do to save my own hide, thank you very much. Now, if you don’t mind talking to me, not about me, it would be appreciated and might save your ball sacs from relocating somewhere north on your body. Are we clear, boys?”
Adrian threw his head back and roared a large rolling laugh that reverberated throughout the room. She blinked in surprise. She’d never once seen any enforcer laugh. Sure, they smiled, chuckled, and even smirked, but never laughed. She found it…disconcerting.
“Point taken. You will have your hands full with this little
hellion, hunter. I don’t envy you.”
“Little hellion indeed. Yet well worth the extra trouble,” Navar
agreed, his pale eyes darkening with hunger.
Available at:
Evernight Publishing: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/dark-hunter-by-shannan-albright/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Hunter-Breed-Enforcers-ebook/dp/B00DZ5X89W/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374446569&sr=1-1
All Romance Books: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-darkhunter-1244081-168.html
Book Strand : http://www.bookstrand.com/dark-hunter-mf

With ferals attacking the human populace in greater numbers than ever before, Tegan Murin has his hands full these days. When he is ordered to find and destroy a deadly artifact known as Oman’s Seal, deal with his estranged step-father and find a missing archeologist. He’s a bit irritable.
Add into the mix a recurring dream of one sexy seductress leading him to his
death… well, you get one very pissed off were-panther.
Kyra Navarone is an archeologist who is more than what she seems. Escaping from the ferals who captured her, she ends up running into the brooding, irritating man who makes her blood run hot just with one look. Her
life depends on the betrayal of this compelling man, but how can she live withherself afterward?
With ferals, An Atlantean Tracker and Lucien closing in
on them, they are running out of time, Tegan and Kyra must learn to trust each other in order survive. More hangs in the balance than their lives. Their actions could very well spell the end of everything for not just their world, but the world hidden beneath the waves as
“Is that all you got, asshole?”
Tegan growled from flat on his back. The damn leech had packed quite a punch, but he’d never let him know that. He rose from the ground, spitting a wad of blood on the alley floor. “You hit like a girl.”
The vampire hissed, baring his impressively large fangs, his fingernails lengthening to razor sharp points. Tegan laughed with dark intent. His claws punched out of his hands with the sound of tearing flesh. The dagger sharp points, catching the light from the crescent moon shining above the filthy alley.. Forming a fist, he fought off the rank odor of rotten garbage and urine trying for a permanent home in his nostrils.
“Mine are bigger than yours,” he said with a menacing smile, wiggling his claws “Game on.”
The vampire’s eyes glowed red. Snarling his contempt, the beast leapt, its sharp nails aiming for Tegan’s exposed jugular. Tegan twisted to the side at the last moment and raked his claws up the vampire’s unprotected stomach. Crap, the vamp even screamed like a girl. Wasn’t that just fucking pathetic?
The vampire wrenched free of Tegan’s claws. Its nails tore through the leather of his bomber jacket, past the soft cotton tee shirt and gouged deep into the muscle and tendons.
Pain exploded through his shoulder, clear to the bone, traveling like wildfire down his arm, followed by the unpleasant prickling sensation like a thousand fire ants were eating his limb off. Gods damned vamps, he thought disgustedly. What was it with these feral vampires and poisons anyway? The venom pulsed though his system like toxic
sludge, warning him there would be very little time before it rendered him immobile. Reaching for the knife strapped to his chest, he pinned his gaze on the cocky asshole.
No more play time. Now it’s die time. He made a quarter turn, nice and steady, letting the vamp think he was going to flee. Tegan waited for the merest brush of those sharpened nails to sweep the back of his neck. Sensing the Feral move in for the kill, he spun back, his knife firmly gripped in his good hand, slashing into the vampire’s neck.
The force of the strike bit deep, cutting clear to the bone, almost beheading the leech in one strike. He stumbled away, hands clamped over the damage. The attempt to keep its head on his shoulders was futile.
The vamp’s life gushed, ruby red, running down the alley walls. Before it could begin to heal, Tegan cut deeply into the unprotected stomach. The creature’s hands jerked to his belly doing what he could to keep his insides from spilling out over the dirty alley floor. Putting all his strength into it, Tegan hacked through the vamps unprotected throat. It fell to the ground with a satisfying thwump, the body crumpling beside it.
“That’s for fucking poisoning me, you asshole!” Tegan growled at the body as he cleaned the blade on his black cargo pants and placed it back into its sheath. He pulled out his cell from one of his pants pockets. His fingers fumbled as numbness claimed them and he gritted his teeth with frustration until he heard the cell ring through.
“Hey Zeke, I need a pick up and my poison kit,” he grit out as the toxin starting to burn through his blood stream.
“I’m at Bridger and Third. Hurry.”
Available at:
Add into the mix a recurring dream of one sexy seductress leading him to his
death… well, you get one very pissed off were-panther.
Kyra Navarone is an archeologist who is more than what she seems. Escaping from the ferals who captured her, she ends up running into the brooding, irritating man who makes her blood run hot just with one look. Her
life depends on the betrayal of this compelling man, but how can she live withherself afterward?
With ferals, An Atlantean Tracker and Lucien closing in
on them, they are running out of time, Tegan and Kyra must learn to trust each other in order survive. More hangs in the balance than their lives. Their actions could very well spell the end of everything for not just their world, but the world hidden beneath the waves as
“Is that all you got, asshole?”
Tegan growled from flat on his back. The damn leech had packed quite a punch, but he’d never let him know that. He rose from the ground, spitting a wad of blood on the alley floor. “You hit like a girl.”
The vampire hissed, baring his impressively large fangs, his fingernails lengthening to razor sharp points. Tegan laughed with dark intent. His claws punched out of his hands with the sound of tearing flesh. The dagger sharp points, catching the light from the crescent moon shining above the filthy alley.. Forming a fist, he fought off the rank odor of rotten garbage and urine trying for a permanent home in his nostrils.
“Mine are bigger than yours,” he said with a menacing smile, wiggling his claws “Game on.”
The vampire’s eyes glowed red. Snarling his contempt, the beast leapt, its sharp nails aiming for Tegan’s exposed jugular. Tegan twisted to the side at the last moment and raked his claws up the vampire’s unprotected stomach. Crap, the vamp even screamed like a girl. Wasn’t that just fucking pathetic?
The vampire wrenched free of Tegan’s claws. Its nails tore through the leather of his bomber jacket, past the soft cotton tee shirt and gouged deep into the muscle and tendons.
Pain exploded through his shoulder, clear to the bone, traveling like wildfire down his arm, followed by the unpleasant prickling sensation like a thousand fire ants were eating his limb off. Gods damned vamps, he thought disgustedly. What was it with these feral vampires and poisons anyway? The venom pulsed though his system like toxic
sludge, warning him there would be very little time before it rendered him immobile. Reaching for the knife strapped to his chest, he pinned his gaze on the cocky asshole.
No more play time. Now it’s die time. He made a quarter turn, nice and steady, letting the vamp think he was going to flee. Tegan waited for the merest brush of those sharpened nails to sweep the back of his neck. Sensing the Feral move in for the kill, he spun back, his knife firmly gripped in his good hand, slashing into the vampire’s neck.
The force of the strike bit deep, cutting clear to the bone, almost beheading the leech in one strike. He stumbled away, hands clamped over the damage. The attempt to keep its head on his shoulders was futile.
The vamp’s life gushed, ruby red, running down the alley walls. Before it could begin to heal, Tegan cut deeply into the unprotected stomach. The creature’s hands jerked to his belly doing what he could to keep his insides from spilling out over the dirty alley floor. Putting all his strength into it, Tegan hacked through the vamps unprotected throat. It fell to the ground with a satisfying thwump, the body crumpling beside it.
“That’s for fucking poisoning me, you asshole!” Tegan growled at the body as he cleaned the blade on his black cargo pants and placed it back into its sheath. He pulled out his cell from one of his pants pockets. His fingers fumbled as numbness claimed them and he gritted his teeth with frustration until he heard the cell ring through.
“Hey Zeke, I need a pick up and my poison kit,” he grit out as the toxin starting to burn through his blood stream.
“I’m at Bridger and Third. Hurry.”
Available at:

Tambra Ellis has just had her world turned upside down!
Surviving a bite from a Lycan, attracted to one hot vampire guy and now she has to look forward to turning into something from some bad werewolf movie.
Marcus Valerian has enough on his plate without the added complication of Tambra Ellis. Fiery and independent? Sure. Beautiful with a body made for sin? Oh Yeh. And a human cop. Tambra is everything he needs to stay away
As leader of the Tribunal’s enforcers it’s up to him to find out why the Dark Breeds are going feral and killing humans in ever increasing numbers.
Tambra’s life is in the balance as the secrets of her past place her in the middle of old deceits and a betrayal that will change the world forever.
Will Marcus and Tambra’s love survive or will it be too
Tambra gave him an incredulous look. “Are you telling me I am turning into a…a dog?” She jumped up, pulling the comforter around her, and headed for the door. “Look buddy, I don’t know what your damage is, but I want no part of it, okay? I’ll just call a cab and be on my way.”
Marcus moved to the door in a burst of speed, and stopped with his arms folded across his chest, lips compressed into a thin line as he glared at her. He drew his brows low in a scowl.
“W…what the hell are you?” she stammered, unable to mask her unease.
“I am not here to harm you. I have been the one tending to you as your body adjusted.” “You haven’t answered my question,” she pushed.
“That’s because it’s not relevant to the situation.”
“Like hell, asshole. If it affects me then it is my business.”
Marcus liked her toughness, finding it remarkably refreshing. Her strength was impressive, not many could make it through the beginning stages of the change when turning from human to Were, yet she had fought through it. She had overcome it all, despite how badly she had been injured.
He used his most reasonable tone to calm her, knowing that the next few minutes was crucial to keeping her receptive to what he had to say. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, making his tone as calm as he could manage. “At this time the only thing we need to focus on is your change. You are not out of the woods as of yet. There are too many things that could go wrong.” Her eyes widened
in horror as she took a shaky step backward.
“Oh, God. This isn’t happening. It can’t be real. Werewolves don’t exist.”
“Believe me, they do exist. Denying what you have seen will be foolish and dangerous, for you and
everyone you’re around.”
“No. I don’t believe this. I won’t believe it. There has to be some logical explanation for what I saw.” The
sharp edge of hysteria rose in her voice. “I will not turn into a dog. I don’t even like dogs.”
That made him smile despite the seriousness of the situation. She was absolutely adorable and he was in deep shit because of it. Yet, he couldn’t seem to make himself care. “Wolf, not dog. You were
bitten by a Lycan, not Lassie.”
“Ha, ha, laugh it up big guy. You don’t have to worry about fleas.”
Avalialbe at:
Surviving a bite from a Lycan, attracted to one hot vampire guy and now she has to look forward to turning into something from some bad werewolf movie.
Marcus Valerian has enough on his plate without the added complication of Tambra Ellis. Fiery and independent? Sure. Beautiful with a body made for sin? Oh Yeh. And a human cop. Tambra is everything he needs to stay away
As leader of the Tribunal’s enforcers it’s up to him to find out why the Dark Breeds are going feral and killing humans in ever increasing numbers.
Tambra’s life is in the balance as the secrets of her past place her in the middle of old deceits and a betrayal that will change the world forever.
Will Marcus and Tambra’s love survive or will it be too
Tambra gave him an incredulous look. “Are you telling me I am turning into a…a dog?” She jumped up, pulling the comforter around her, and headed for the door. “Look buddy, I don’t know what your damage is, but I want no part of it, okay? I’ll just call a cab and be on my way.”
Marcus moved to the door in a burst of speed, and stopped with his arms folded across his chest, lips compressed into a thin line as he glared at her. He drew his brows low in a scowl.
“W…what the hell are you?” she stammered, unable to mask her unease.
“I am not here to harm you. I have been the one tending to you as your body adjusted.” “You haven’t answered my question,” she pushed.
“That’s because it’s not relevant to the situation.”
“Like hell, asshole. If it affects me then it is my business.”
Marcus liked her toughness, finding it remarkably refreshing. Her strength was impressive, not many could make it through the beginning stages of the change when turning from human to Were, yet she had fought through it. She had overcome it all, despite how badly she had been injured.
He used his most reasonable tone to calm her, knowing that the next few minutes was crucial to keeping her receptive to what he had to say. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, making his tone as calm as he could manage. “At this time the only thing we need to focus on is your change. You are not out of the woods as of yet. There are too many things that could go wrong.” Her eyes widened
in horror as she took a shaky step backward.
“Oh, God. This isn’t happening. It can’t be real. Werewolves don’t exist.”
“Believe me, they do exist. Denying what you have seen will be foolish and dangerous, for you and
everyone you’re around.”
“No. I don’t believe this. I won’t believe it. There has to be some logical explanation for what I saw.” The
sharp edge of hysteria rose in her voice. “I will not turn into a dog. I don’t even like dogs.”
That made him smile despite the seriousness of the situation. She was absolutely adorable and he was in deep shit because of it. Yet, he couldn’t seem to make himself care. “Wolf, not dog. You were
bitten by a Lycan, not Lassie.”
“Ha, ha, laugh it up big guy. You don’t have to worry about fleas.”
Avalialbe at: